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Lawn Aeration for a Greener, Thicker, Healthier Lawn!

We specialize in lawn core aeration. We don't mow lawns or perform landscaping. Lawn aeration is our only service.

Lawns do more than make your yard look good & add value to your home.
Lawns absorb and hold water, which helps reduce storm runoff and improve water quality. Lawns also have a significant cooling effect, provide oxygen, trap dust and dirt, promote healthful micro-organisms, prevent erosion and filter rainwater contaminants.
Core-aeration is the least labor intensive, most environmentally friendly gift you can give your lawn.

Benefits of Aeration for your lawn
Aeration helps your lawn's health and vigor, and reduces maintenance requirements. The following are other benefits of core aeration.

  • Next to watering and fertilizing, core aeration is the best thing you can do!
  • Increases the lawn's drought tolerance and improves its overall health.
  • Reduces water runoff and puddling by absorbing more water.
  • Enhances oxygen levels in the soil, stimulating root growth and enhancing the activity of thatch-decomposing organisms.
  • Insects, diseases, nematodes, improper watering and a lack of fertilizer are often blamed for a lawns decline when the real culprit is compaction.
  • Gives your lawn's roots room to grow.
  • Improved fertilizer uptake and use.
  • Helps prevent the run-off of fertilizer and pesticide from highly compacted areas.
  • Enhances thatch breakdown.
  • Reduces soil compaction. (chart of compaction rate)

Lawn aeration is the mechanical process of removing cores or plugs from the lawn to allow water, air, fertilizer, seed and nutrients to better reach the roots. This stimulates root growth, causing your lawn to be healthier, thicker and greener throughout the growing season. Lawn aeration also helps reduce thatch build up. The plugs will gradually break down into your lawn leaving behind important nutrients and aid in the long term control of thatch levels. 

We use a commercial-grade turf aerator which is highly maneuverable and punches 9 holes per square foot in a single pass! Our aerator  will produce cores every 4"– 6" and from 2"– 3" deep, which gives the best results. This specialized equipment allows us to thoroughly relieve soil compaction along walks, decks and flower beds. The 5/8" diameter cores are ejected onto the soil surface creating a beneficial top-dressing that stimulates beneficial "thatch consuming" bacteria and allows air, water & nutrients to travel directly to the root zone.